Synechococcus Elongatus PCC 7942
Figure 2. Synechococcus Elongatus. Credit: L.A. Sherman, D.M. Sherman. Purdue University, via NCBI. (Caicedo & Romero-Campero, 2012)

Synechococcus have a broader distribution in the ocean and are less abundant in oligotrophic (low nutrient) regions. These organisms utilize photosystem I and II to capture light energy. They are highly adapted to marine environments and some strains have evolved unique motility systems in order to propel themselves towards areas that contain nitrogenous compounds. Motility may be due to the presence of spicules (long filaments) that extend from the cell surface and may act like oars during movement (Caicedo & Romero-Campero, 2012).
Synechococcus elongatus is an obligate photoautotroph, it has been studied extensively by an international research community with respect to acquisition of organic carbon, transport and regulation of nitrogen compounds, adaptation to nutrient stresses, and response to light intensity (Caicedo & Romero-Campero, 2012).

Figure 3. Synechococcus Elongatus (BIOcana, 2010)
Figure 4 Synechococcus Elongatus (Ingvaldsen, 2015)